
Cancer Insurance

No one wants to experience a cancer diagnosis. Unfortunately, the truth is that the risk of getting cancer is substantial. More than 38 percent of men and women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. This makes the need great to get cancer insurance coverage. 

The cancer insurance policies we offer are designed to provide you with benefits during covered cancer treatments. A supplemental cancer policy can also help protect your income and savings from expenses that aren’t covered by your major medical coverage. This may include:

  • Out-of-pocket medical expenses
  • Out-of-network specialists
  • Experimental cancer treatment
  • Travel and lodging when treatment is far from home
  • Child care and household help
  • Normal living expenses such as your car payment, mortgage or rent and utility bills

The chances of cancer filtrating your family are high - don't wait any longer to contact our team.

“Outstanding customer service, very responsive to request and inquiries.” – Customer satisfaction survey 2020

“Karen is more responsible in seeking out the best options for me and my family.  If a question or issue arises I can simply make one phone call.”  – Cecil A. 

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